Make Money With Affiliate Banners

Let’s add some affiliate banners and generate some more income for our porn sites. The first part of this tutorial if mainly for AEBN Affiliates, if you’re not signed up, get a free account here.

Step 1. Find Your Banners

  1. Login to your AEBN Account
  2. Click on Sales Tools in the main menu then scroll down and click “Get Banners”
  3. This should pop open a new window that
  4. Scroll down down and find your Niche (Boobs, Anal, Milf, Etc.). My web site is about Big Boobs so I searched for boobs and selected the “Boob Pay Per View website”.
  5. Click Banner Beside your choice.
  6. Find a banner that your think will appeal to your visitors. We want to get something that will entice our audience to click.
    1. I like this banner because it has a “Get Your Free Clip”. This is  a good call to action for my site because my audience is looking for primarily free porn. Plus it’s got a hot  chick on it with big boobs.
  7. Keep this page loaded. You’re goign ot be using the HTML under “Copy this code to your page” in a minute.

Step 2. Add Your Banner to your Adultere Porno Tube Web Site

Let’s get this banner up on the site and making us some money! For this we’re going to edit our site template. Do this at your own risk, but if you’re not sure about what you’re doing, make a copy of the files you edit. That way if you screw something up, you can just rename your backup copy and start over!

You’re going to need an understanding of the following web technologies for this.

These aren’t hard to learn and you don’t need to know much. If you’re not sure, just try the tutorial and use the links above for reference – Backup your files.

  1. Connect to your site with FTP
  2. Find the Adultere theme folder and open the file “header.php”.
    Somewhere like: /wp-content/themes/twentyten-adultere/
  3. Find the part (try line 53) where it says:
    <a title=”&lt;?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) ); ?&gt;” rel=”home” href=”&lt;?php echo home_url( ‘/’ ); ?&gt;” _mce_href=”&lt;?php echo home_url( ‘/’ ); ?&gt;”><!–?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ); ?–></a><br /> {PASTE BANNER HERE}
  4. Replace “{PASTE BANNER HERE}” with your banner code from AEBN.
  5. Save and upload the banner
  6. Check your site!

This should put your banner at the top of every page.  Play with the placement in your header.php file. Here’s what it looks like on Big Boob Tube

Step 6b – Get Free Adult Affiliate Content to Post on your Porn Site

AEBN Tube Feeder has changed it’s interface. Click here for the updated instructions on getting free adult video content for your adult tube website!

Now that you have the technology in place, getting adult content/porn videos to put on your site is only a few steps away!

First thing you need is to register an account at a reputable adult affiliate website.  I’ve registered for a number of these sites, but if you’re just starting out, and don’t have very much content on your site yet you will get turned down by most of the adult affiliate programs out there. There is one that is perfect for getting you up and running though:

AEBN (Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network)

Click the link above then click on the adult webmaster link at the bottom to bring up the application form. Fill in your information truthfully, then write down your password and you’re ready to login and get some content for your porn site!

When logged in you can see that there are a number of ways to create revenue.

  1. Linking Codes
  2. Theatres that you can embed on your site
  3. Video Feeds that update automatically
  4. And in the sales tool section there are a number of other ways we can get content

These are all great, but we’re interested in only one method right now: The Tube Feeder

The Tube Feeder will allow us to export data that is compatible with the Adultere import script. And this will give us the ability to have thousands of adult videos and categories live on our site in the next 20 minutes. Let’s get started!

  1. Login to your AEBN account.
  2. Click on Sales Tools
  3. Click on Get Tube Feeder
  4. Now, you have to sign up for an account with Tube Feeder, so enter you information and REMEMBER your password. At this point, you should really think about setting up a password file so you have quick reference to all of your account passwords.
  5. Login to tube feeder and click on Create Feed
  6. Select your categories, keyowords, etc. and enter a nick name for your feed. (ie My First Porn Feed)
  7. In the box labeled “Create a CSV” choose “Comma” as delimiter and click on Create CSV
  8. Son a box will pop up saying that your feed has been created.
  9. Click the link to your feed and save this file to your downloads directory.

You’ll have to modify this file slightly before you upload it with Adultere. Follow these steps to match it up with the sample adultere csv import format.

  1. Open it in Excel or a compatible editor
  2. You should see one piece of data per column like the shot on the right
  3. Remove the following columns highlighted in the picture to the right
  4. Swap the last two columns so that Categories is the last column
  5. Save the file as a CSV file again

Now you can login to WordPress on your site and upload the CSV. Follow the instructions here:

Update: The Adultere website is down currently. Until it’s back up you can get it from here.

If all goes well you should have a thumbnail listing of videos, a whole bunch of categories and video details pages that you can actually watch videos on!